Wednesday, May 29, 2013

WiP Wednesday 5/20/13-5/26/13

I've debated whether to post this progress update since I think I wrote 50 words last week.

I have a very valid reason for it though. I spent the majority of last week driving through parts of 4 states as my family and I traveled for my Grandfather's funeral in California and burial in southern Utah. It was a long week with a lot of hours spent in the car. And I get sick easily on the road so writing and reading don't happen on road trips. Then all that time spent with family I haven't seen since the last big event doesn't leave time for writing. Not when visiting and condoling is, honestly, much higher priority than writing.

The funeral was beautiful and the burial was incredibly moving. He was buried with full military honors, which is an awe-inspiring thing.


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