Friday, September 17, 2010

Footloose and Fancy-free Friday Random

Today, randomness.

1- Culinary school is intense.  I knew it would be, but I don't think any amount of mentally preparing for that reality can actually set you up for the intensity.  When each class only goes for 9 days and then you're done with it forever, it's nuts.  There's a lot of information to ingest in such a short amount of time.

2- As if I'm not busy enough, I am considering opening a food blog of some kind.  I'm not sure what that will entail so I'm letting it stew.

3- It's finally the weekend!  And I have a project to work on!  Woot!

4- I'm so close to 200 followers that I've decided I'll give away a $20 gift card to either Amazon or Barnes & Noble next week.  (This both in honor of hitting 200 followers and 300 posts on the blog.)  I haven't decided how it's going to work yet, though, so stay tuned for the details.  (It'll be easy, I promise.)


  1. Lovely post and congrats on taking that big step forward. (Your previous post.) I've a friend whose son is a chef. He's constantly going to schools/attending classes. Real cooking requires a lot of work!! But Mike looooves what he have that same excitement.

    Now, about today's post...could you please pass the oysters florentine? Er, not one, all of them? A virtual pig-out would be sheer bliss.

    It took a long time for me to even taste pumpkin pie. We just didn't have that orange gooey stuff when I was a kid growing up in Louisiana. I can eat it now, but only if a slice is buried under a mountain of whipped cream.

  2. So cool that you are in culinary school - good luck! And congrats on preparing to hit 200 followers :)

  3. Chuckling over the "letting it stew..." comment.

    You had 199 followers when I checked in today. Makes me wish I could follow again! Congrats!

  4. One away from 200! I bet you're there by Monday.

  5. Oooh, a giveaway. That sounds fun. A food blog would be interesting. Good luck with school and all!

  6. Good luck with school. And congrats, you have more than 200 followers.

  7. Congrats!! So much going on in your life, Stephanie. Culinary school would be awesome, yet intense as you say. I keep trying to convince my husband (who as an unparalleled gift in the kitchen) to start a food blog. And way to pass up one hundred! Every one of those followers are well deserved. :)

    Have a great week!



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