Wednesday, February 2, 2011

WiP Wednesday 2/2

Happy Groundhog Day!

Ahem.  Sorry.  Back to regular programming.

It's time for a status update.


I've successfully navigated my way through this revision.  The manuscript is significantly smaller than it was before.  Try just shy of 8700 words smaller.

Yeah.  Let that one soak in a bit.  And that's after having added stuff in.

My outline helped me a lot with keeping things straight on this revision.  I knew what needed to be done and had a good idea of how.  There was a problem scene that I figured out and now I think some things work a lot better than before.

Tonight I plan on starting my new outline for the book to replace the detailed outline I last worked off of.  (More on that in tomorrow's outlining post.)

In other news, I have to re-title this story.  I set up a Google alert on the title I currently have and the last two days it's brought back a reference to a foreign political leader.  Not a great associatioin so I'm going to have to change it.  But I love my title.  Sigh.

How are your WiPs going?


  1. Cutting words is always tough! It's like deciding which one of your fingers should go. Thankfully I'm still on the 1st draft state of my WIP, but in a few weeks, I'll be in revision mode again.

  2. i'm not doing so great on any WIP's...too stressed about some fulls and revision requests i have out there to think about anything else.

  3. Congrats on the slashing! Woo! Aw, retitling...that's tough. I hope you can find a good substitute--one maybe that you love even better. Have a great week.

  4. Amie, *hugs* and props for getting the requests. But the best thing you can do is lose yourself in another project. (So I have read on the writerly blogosphere.)

  5. Woot, congrats for finishing this round of revisions!!!! :D

  6. Congrats on finishing this round of revisions! Retitling is tough; I hope you can find another that you like. :)

    I've set aside my WiP to work on a couple of short stories that I'm writing for a workshop application that is due March 1. I need to get a move on it!

  7. Congrats on finishing your revisions! And way to go on the word cutting. That's awesome! :)


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