Wednesday, December 8, 2010

WiP Wednesday 12/8

Yeah.  Not so much.  I'm a horrible, horrible writer.  I haven't even opened my WiP file since I don't know when.  Things are just so incredibly crazy right now.

No progress.  No words.  No motivation.

How are your WiPs going?


  1. Working on a story that I'd swear was trying to strangle me if I didn't know it was just words in a document. (And the hard part, of course, is trying to turn it into more than just words in a document.) Bit by bit, little pieces come together, but those pieces have to be totally rearranged and kicked into shape.

  2. Whatever you do, don't EVER say that you're a horrible writer. If things are going crazy at the moment, that could be the reason why your writing isn't what you want it to be. For now, just take a break from writing, and then jump back into it when things are a bit better.

  3. Well, pretty much the same as you! Usually I rush to revise when I get them back from the editor but this time? Meh. I'm not worrying tho *yet!* because I believe in the ebb and flow of life, creativity and writing. And right now I'm in an ebb phase.

  4. Nah, you're not a horrible writer. You're just a writer who's at a busy point in life, and/or taking a much-needed break. Perspective! Writers have to live, too, or they'd have nothing (or not as much) to write about. You'll get back to it, no worries.

    I was fussing about my own WIP too, which I'm only half done with and it's been SEVEN MONTHS (I usually finish a novel rough draft in 4 months). But then my schedule eased up and I started plodding along, two pages a day on some days. Four pages in a day is a great writing day! So hang in there. ;o)

  5. Don't get down on yourself! I'm taking a break after NaNo and I don't plan to open my WiP until January. You're not horrible -- if life is busy in other ways, deal with that and allow your muse to rest so that you can come back to it refreshed in the future. Stressing about it won't help -- go easier on yourself! :)

  6. I've at least been working on my query. But I know even a little time to write won't happen as we get nearer to the holidays. Don't worry about it. You're always so productive.

  7. I'm keeping in well with my current project. I've been at the keyboard for 25 days now with a total word count of 50,000 so far.And no words doesn't always mean no progress. It might just mean that progress is waiting. For me, if it's motivation I'm after, I go find a terrible, terrible novel and rad a few chapters, then set it aside and say, "Hey, wait a minute; I can do better than THIS!" and then I go write.

  8. Sometimes life is just too busy to do everything. Don't let it stress you out. At least you have an excuse! Me, I've got all the time on my hands at the moment and am just struggling to find motivation.
    Good luck!

  9. I think I've logged about 300 words in the last 3 weeks. Pretty sad, huh? Sometimes life just gets in the way. Don't beat yourself up about it.

  10. You are not a horrible writer! If anything, you're typical, from what I've read of writers' statuses lately.

    I finished the first chapter of my WIP a few days ago and haven't had the motivation to start chapter two. So, I lose. It'll be much easier once the holidays are over!


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